Essential Appliances That Require Water Hammer Arrestors


Water hammer is a common issue in plumbing systems, characterized by loud banging noises and potential damage caused by sudden pressure surges when water flow is abruptly stopped. This phenomenon can be particularly harmful to various household appliances. Installing water hammer arrestors is a practical solution to mitigate this problem, ensuring the longevity and efficient operation of these appliances. This article outlines which appliances need water hammer arrestors and why.

Understanding Water Hammer and Its Effects

Water hammer occurs when the flow of water is suddenly halted, creating a shockwave that travels through the pipes. This shockwave can cause noise and physical damage to the plumbing infrastructure and connected appliances. Water hammer arrestors are designed to absorb these shockwaves, preventing them from causing harm.

Key Appliances That Need Water Hammer Arrestors

  1. Washing Machines

Washing machines are among the most common household appliances affected by water hammer. These machines use solenoid valves that open and close rapidly to control water flow during cycles. The sudden closure of these valves can generate significant water hammer. Installing a water hammer arrestor can protect the internal components of the washing machine, ensuring its longevity and smooth operation.

  1. Dishwashers

Similar to washing machines, dishwashers also utilize solenoid valves to manage water flow. The rapid opening and closing of these valves can cause water hammer, potentially damaging the dishwasher’s internal mechanisms. A water hammer arrestor can help mitigate these effects, preserving the appliance’s functionality and preventing costly repairs.

  1. Refrigerators with Ice Makers

Modern refrigerators often come equipped with ice makers and water dispensers. These features typically use quick-acting valves to control water supply, making them susceptible to water hammer. Installing a water hammer arrestor ensures the valves and connected plumbing remain protected from the damaging shockwaves, maintaining the refrigerator’s efficiency.

  1. Water Heaters

Water heaters, especially those with rapid on/off cycles or those connected to high-pressure systems, can experience water hammer. The pressure surges can damage the internal components of the heater, reducing its lifespan. A water hammer arrestor helps absorb the shockwaves, safeguarding the water heater from potential damage.

  1. Toilets

Toilets with fill valves that open and close quickly can also be a source of water hammer. The resulting pressure surges can affect both the toilet’s components and the connecting plumbing. Installing a water hammer arrestor can prevent these issues, ensuring quiet and efficient operation.

  1. Instant Hot Water Dispensers

Instant hot water dispensers are convenient appliances that provide hot water on demand. The rapid cycling of water flow in these dispensers can cause water hammer, potentially damaging the system. A water hammer arrestor can help maintain the dispenser’s performance and prevent damage.

Why Install Water Hammer Arrestors?

  • Protects Appliances: By absorbing shockwaves, water hammer arrestors protect the internal components of appliances, preventing damage and extending their lifespan.
  • Reduces Noise: Water hammer can cause loud, disruptive noises. Arrestors help eliminate these sounds, contributing to a quieter home environment.
  • Prevents Plumbing Damage: Repeated pressure surges can weaken plumbing joints and fittings, leading to leaks and other issues. Water hammer arrestors help maintain the integrity of the plumbing system.
  • Cost-Effective: While the initial installation of water hammer arrestors involves a cost, it can save money in the long run by reducing repair and replacement expenses for both appliances and plumbing.

Installation Tips

  • Professional Installation: It is recommended to have water hammer arrestors installed by professional plumbers to ensure they are placed correctly and function effectively.
  • Regular Maintenance: Periodic checks can ensure that the arrestors are working properly and have not lost their shock-absorbing capability.


Water hammer arrestors are essential for protecting various household appliances from the damaging effects of water hammer. Washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators with ice makers, water heaters, toilets, and instant hot water dispensers are particularly vulnerable to pressure surges caused by rapid valve closures. Installing water hammer arrestors not only safeguards these appliances but also contributes to a quieter and more efficient home environment. Proper installation and maintenance are key to ensuring their continued effectiveness and the long-term protection of your plumbing system.

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